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RWC Tutors

What the RWC Can Do For You!

Our tutors have all been recommended by faculty members and have completed tutoring training courses so they are fully capable of assisting you as peer tutors. If you are in an English 1A class, your class will most likely have the benefit of an embedded tutor throughout the semester. Embedded tutors work closely with the instructor to ensure that you are getting all of the help and support you need to be successful. Your tutor will be active in various ways on your class's Canvas page by posting announcements, instructional videos, doing reviews, discussion boards, and handouts about the class material.

Embedded tutors will also be available through small group tutoring sessions. Students who enroll in small group tutoring will meet with their tutor 2 times every week via Zoom or in person throughout the semester. All English 1A courses will have the benefit of an embedded tutor this semester. Students will be able to interact with their embedded tutor within their class's Canvas course site as well as set up either one-on-one appointments or enroll in a small group to meet with their tutor regularly. Students who enroll in small group tutoring will meet with their tutor 2 times every week throughout the semester. Small group tutoring is highly recommended because it develops a support system for students with a tutor who is directly involved in the student's course and is familiar with the instructor's expectations and assignments. Group tutoring is available both face-to-face and on Zoom.

The RWC also has tutors available every day of the week, Monday-Friday, for one-on-one sessions via Zoom and in person for students who need occasional assistance or are unable to join group tutoring. These sessions are free and available to all students enrolled at Reedley College. Students are able to meet with tutors as many times as needed throughout the semester, but students who make appointments 2 or more times a week are encouraged to join small group tutoring.

Finally, students are encouraged to make use of the RWC's email consultations either through their English class by sending their questions to their embedded tutor through email or the class's discussions page, or by sending an email to a tutor through the RWC's Canvas page via Inbox. Tutors who receive an email will respond to the questions asked by the student and return the email within roughly 24 hours. The RWC asks that students who use this service include their writing prompt, any advice from the instructor, and specific questions or areas of concern that the student wants to have addressed. This is not a proofreading or copy-editing service.

RWC Services

Small-Group sessions

Students attend 2 scheduled sessions a week via Zoom with a tutor for the entire semester

One-on-One sessions

Students Schedule one-on-one appointments with a tutor

Email Consultations

Students correspond with a tutor via email or canvas discussion board

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