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The Reading and Writing Center

Deb Borofka


The Reedley College Reading and Writing Center is here to help you with all of your reading and writing-related assignments, no matter what class you are in. If you have reading assignments or have to write an essay, we are the center for you. By enrolling in the Reading and Writing Center's Canvas Course using this link: Reading and Writing Center Self-Enrollment or the QR code to the right, you will have access to hundreds of resources that will help you navigate college writing and be successful in your classes. The RWC has compiled helpful information about everything from how-to videos for new students to brainstorming and outlining to grammar reviews, which will help you build the skills you need to become a better writer.

      Enrolling in the RWC Canvas course is free and easy, and once you have enrolled, the course will stay active on your Canvas Dashboard until you un-enroll or are inactive for more than 2 semesters; this means that you will have access to all that the RWC has to offer for as long as you are a student at RC. The RWC staff works hard every semester to update the materials on the Canvas page so students always have access to the most current materials, such as formatting guidelines, course materials for various classes, and new videos that address the most current issues students face.

Students who seek help from the Reading and Writing Center have a much higher success rate than those who do not get help. 

      The RWC Canvas page also has helpful resources for subjects other than English: you will find guides for other types of formatting, such as APA and Chicago, which are often used in communications, history, and science classes; there are resources for students who need to create a resume or write scholarship, UC, or CSU application letters; resources about doing research, citing sources, and compiling a work cited page or annotated bibliography; and helpful information about different websites you might find useful as a student.


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