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RWC Mother’s DayAppreciation

Audrey Bergen

RWC tutors Annie Bautista & Jackie Arriaga interviewed their fellow tutors in celebration of Mother's Day.

Luis's Mom

How does your mom inspire you?

My mom has inspired me in every possible way. She has shaped me into the person I am and continues to be my inspiration every day.

Favorite Memory 

My favorite memory with my mom is when I was younger and we would watch telenovelas. It was a school day and past my bedtime, but I would squint my eyes pretending to be asleep and watch tv with her thinking I was sneaky. I obviously did not know how she figured out I was awake, but she let me watch it with her which made little me happy. 

How do you bond best with your mom?

We bond over video games because I grew up playing them with her. She would always be way ahead of me in any game we played, but it was always fun getting to compete against her. My love for video games is all thanks to my mom.

Carlie’s kids

How do your kids inspire you?

My children motivate me to keep striving in my educational and career goals because I want to set a positive example that they can accomplish anything.

Favorite Memory

This past Halloween when they were both big enough to walk up to the houses in their matching Mario costumes. Their little toddler "trick or treats" melted my heart!

How do you bond best with your children?

When we take family adventures and play outside, they love the outdoors and it's usually a great learning opportunity.

Leslie’s Mom

How does your mom inspire you?

My mother is a big reason why I was such a big reader as a kid, she would take us to the library every summer. She was also my biggest supporter when my mental health was getting the better of me. She looked tirelessly to find a therapist who was nearby and took our insurance. I don't think I would still be here if it wasn't for her.

Favorite memory

Some of my favorite memories with my mom are the times we played Mario Kart. Me and my brother celebrated her going from 12th place to 10th place.

How do you bond best with your mom?

I bond with my mother by watching shows with her, going with to the store, and through physical affection like hugs and teasing one another.

Hannah’s Mom

How does your mom inspire you?

My mom has always taught me to be a go-getter. My whole life, she has worked a full-time job and taken care of me and my sister. I have had a role model of someone who excels professionally, runs their own business, takes care of her family, and somehow still manages to find time to have fun. My mom never lets anything stop her from getting what she wants, and she is an actual superhero. She has been the best role model and inspiration I could ask for!

Favorite memory

My favorite memory with my mom is actually an ongoing one. We are taking a taxidermy class together this semester. It has been so much fun doing this with her. If this class has taught me anything, it is that I got my weird and wild side from her! We have definitely bonded over our shared enjoyment of this class.

How do you bond best with your mom?

My mom and I love to go antiquing together. We often spend hours browsing antique stores or searching for deals on Facebook marketplace. We have driven embarrassingly long ways to pick up treasures from Craigslist, Facebook, and Offer Up. It's my favorite way to spend time with her!

Annie's Mom

How does your mom inspire you?

My mom is always looking out for people she cares about which has been a big inspiration for me to do the same. It's part of the reason why I am drawn to helping jobs and careers like tutoring and studying to be a counselor.

Favorite memory

A memory I share with my mom that I love is the time when she decided to go back to school and get her bachelor's degree around the same time I started working on mine. During this time, we acted as each other's cheerleaders, egging each other on to keep going. I felt grateful that I could give back and help my mom since she had been out of school for so long and needed support getting adjusted. She does so much for me so it's nice that I was able to return some of that support.

How do you bond best with your mom?

Me and my mom don't share a lot of the same hobbies or interests, but we do bond best through education. She studied child development and loved learning about theories, so she loves to have discussions with me about what I learn in school.

Jann’s Mom

How does your mom inspire you?

My mom came from Mexico to give us a better life and this has always inspired me because although sometimes I feel like giving up, I remember what she did for us and that keeps me going.

Favorite memory

A favorite memory with my mom is when my sister and I went to visit her in Sacramento back in 2022. We took her shopping for yarn (we all like to crochet) and went window shopping. She was so excited because it is only her and my stepdad and he works; so most of the time she is stuck at home. Being able to take my mom out and seeing her smile is one of moments I cherish most.

How do you bond best with your mom?

As mentioned, my mom and I both like to crochet, so when she is in town or I visit her, we like to watch Como Dice el Dicho or La Rosa de Guadalupe and work on our crochet projects. She was the one that actually taught me to crochet after begging her to teach me when I was in middle school.



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