The world we live in is a beautiful place; it is ever-changing and ever-growing. With all that is happening, it’s easy to forget that, so it is important that we remind ourselves of the beauty that surrounds us by taking a moment to stop and observe the world around us. It can be hard to stop to look when we live in a society that keeps us in motion; when you have to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible, you don’t have time to enjoy the journey. How does one work around that? How can we set that programming aside?
I found that photography works well for those who need to have a task attached to their activities. Photography makes finding and observing something active rather than passive. It makes you look for something cool to photograph and find the best angle. The world around you becomes your muse, and things you would have never looked twice at become subjects. And last, you get a reward by having everything you saw preserved in time, and it doesn’t have to exist in your memory alone.
Photography changes the way you see the world around you; colors seem more vivid, and shapes are more precise. Even when you are not actively taking pictures, you’ll pay attention to the little things around that would make a great photo and make you take out a phone or camera to snap a pic of it. In a time when everything seems scary and hopeless, we need to take care of our souls and remind ourselves that there is beauty in our world that is still worth fighting for.
