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Introducing Reedley College’s Hiking Club

Audrey Bergen

Joining the Hiking Club at Reedley College is a great way to get involved and meet new people if you enjoy being outdoors or want more opportunities to experience everything nature has to offer. Although the club is still relatively new, there are many events to look forward in the future, such as going to the Sequoias and Yosemite. In the meantime, let me introduce you to the officers/advisor.  Please feel free talk to any of the officers to join and keep the club going. 

Meet The Officers:

President: Joshua Alvarez

  • Forestry major, Historian/Social Media Officer of the Forestry Club, and Member of the Veterans Club

  • Joshua enjoys teaching others about his passion for nature and takes any chance he can get to be outside as it is always better than a day in the office. He looks forward to leading his fellow students on hikes with ample opportunities to train participants on skills, such as reading maps, how to use a compass, essential for packing, and plant and wildlife identification.

Vice President: Daniel Dirks

  • Forestry major, Works at the Residence Hall as an RA, and Member of the Forestry Club.

  • Daniel loves the outdoors and seeing all the different views while maintaining good physical health and endurance. 

Treasurer: Laura Herrera

  • Business Administration for Transfer and Member of the CEO club. 

  • Laura wants to be a part of the Hiking Club to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the outdoors with like minded people and to strengthen her athletic endurance while learning new skills, including map reading and proper trail etiquette. 

Secretary: Jordan Garcia

  • Forestry major and Student Ambassador for Resilient Careers in Forestry 

  • Jordan wants to be in the Hiking Club because he loves the outdoors and enjoys hiking as a fun and active way to appreciate the wilderness and beauty it has to offer. 

Inter-Club Council Representative: Isabel R. Garcia

  • Forestry major and VP of Forestry Club

  • Isabel joined the hiking club in hopes to meet new faces alongside staying active. She is excited to be the ICC and can’t wait to begin hiking. 

Meet the Advisor:

Danielle Reents

  • Counselor for AME Pathway and member of CRU Club and Starfish Administration

  • Danielle loves hiking and being outdoors. It brings her such excitement and peace being outdoors. Nothing is more satisfying to her than a good hard hike in the beautiful Sierra Nevada and she would like to help others appreciate hiking and feel comfortable doing it!


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