Reedley College's
One Book, One College
Choice for 2021-2022

MLA 8 Book Citation
Egan, Timothy. The Big
Burn: Teddy Roosevelt & the
Fire That Saved
America. Mariner Books,
Author Timothy Egan will visit Reedley College as part of our Literary Arts series on March 10, 2022. Stay tuned for updates.
Background image: Wallace, Idaho after the fire in 1910 (Credit: National Forest Foundation)
Articles for Your Consideration

"The 1910 Fires." Forest History Society, n.d. https://foresthistory.org/research-explore/us-
"1910 Fire Commemoration Information Site." United States Department of Agriculture,
n.d. https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r1/learning/history-culture/?cid=stelprdb5122866
"Blazing Battles: The 1910 Fire and Its Legacy." National Forest Foundation, 2020.
"The Great Fires of 1910 (The Big Blowup) - August 20th." National Wildfire Coordinating
Group, n.d. https://www.nwcg.gov/committee/6mfs/the-big-blowup
Horwitz, Tony. "Wilderness Warriors." The New York Times, 29 Oct. 2009.
Stelloh, Tim. "'The Big Burn' of 1910 transformed wildland firefighting. Will 2020 do the
same?" NBC News, 11 Oct. 2020. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/big-burn-1910-transformed-wildland-firefighting-will-2020-do-same-n1242671
"Teddy Roosevelt And The 'Burn' That Saved Forests." NPR, 10 Sept. 2010.
Background image: "Map of 1910 fire destruction" (Credit: Montana Memory Project)

Watch The Big Burn documentary inspired by Egan's book on PBS's site. The documentary site also provides supplemental clips, articles, and image galleries.
"WFSTAR: The Fires of 1910" by NWCG - National Wildfire Coordinating Group